About Us

Our Story

A family business founded in 2019, UPOL launched by sourcing and providing the most premium-quality insulated coolers to customers and stores across the United States. By request and popular demand, stainless insulated gallon jugs soon followed in line, one of the first ones of their kind on the market!

Our name was derived from the initials U.P. as our company vision and goal is to continually strive “up”ward in service and product offerings. The name “Unlimited Products” came out of those initials as our quality product line continues and offers unlimited types of premium stainless drinkware products with more being added on a regular basis! “Of Lancaster” references our company’s location in rural Pennsylvania.

Our products are ones that you will love and rely on! Find them on the shelves at your local Swahn retailer or have them shipped to your door. We look forward to refreshing you, your families and your customers!

Our Values

Strive "Up"Ward


Family Values